Thought Log #3

Your thought log should examine and explore an example of how perceptions can either hinder or help mistakes from being made.


There can be many examples found as to how one’s perceptions can help or hinder a mistake from being made. Firstly, however, what exactly is a mistake? Is it merely an unintentional event or is there more to it than that? What about mistakes which we realize only after they are brought to our attention from an outside source? A mistake, to me, can be either intentional or unintentional, but in the end it must be something which you regret doing or when you realize that you have done something wrong. The next question which must first ask ourselves before answering the main question is what are perceptions? Well, I see perceptions as being information that one obtains from their senses. So now how can one’s senses help or hinder a mistake from being made?

Firstly we can talk about sight. Sight is arguably the most important sense that we as humans possess. We are able to see an extraordinarily vast array of colors and objects, and with that information we can tell what is going on around us. So now an example of how sight can be used to help a mistake from being made can be applied to school. If you see a someone being bullied in school and see how hard of a time other kids are giving that person, you will most likely use this new gained information to try and act nicely towards that person and maybe even make him feel better instead of being mean, or ignoring them.

Another example can be derived from touch. With our sense of touch, we are able to feel different objects and know if something is safe or not. For example, if you pick up a hot coffee pot one time and burn yourself when you touch it than you would now know to not repeat that same mistake. Thus touch has now helped you from re-doing a mistake which had previously hurt you.

Lastly a third example can be found from hearing and this example, once again can be applied to a student’s everyday school life. Whenever you are at school, it is common knowledge that you should pay attention and listen to your teacher or instructor so that you are able to learn and obtain good grades. Now, when you slack off which every student has done so at least once during their lifetime at school, they end up seeing the result of their actions from a poor or less than desirable grade. Now, it is also to every students knowledge that they know why they got that grade and it is simply because they weren’t listening and paying well enough attention so now they would begin listening more and achieve better grades. This cycle repeats throughout school, for every time you get a bad grade, you make sure that the next time you listen better so as to fix your previous mistake.

In conclusion, mistakes are not always bad things, they can always be learned from and it is our perception and senses which allow us to learn from these mistakes and help or hinder them from being made the next time around.

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